
Christmas is Saturday.  Today is Monday and I’m making a list and checking it twice to keep up with what I haven’t done. 

This is supposed to be a joyous time of year but right now I’m feeling stretched between shopping for others, planning a dinner, still decorating the house, wondering when I’ll wrap gifts or do Christmas cards and then there are the everyday things of life, like paying bills, going to the gym or for a walk. 

Wait a minute…those last two things I haven’t done.  Somehow, I’ve gotten lost in this process.  Where is my “me” time.  And the lack of me time and sleep have made me grumpy, and I know I’m not the only one.   

Time to stop and breathe…and remember what my Mama Hattie always said, “Stop trying to be all things to all people.”   Keep Christmas simple and realistic:  delegate where you can; make yourself a priority every day, because life will go on, no matter what does or doesn’t get done.  But most of all, remember the reason for the season is not decorations, cards, gifts and stuff, but the reason for the season is Jesus.  

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